
Friday 2 August 2019

Artificial Imbecile

We are increasingly told that the future of the world is going to be A.I.

Does Artificial Intelligence Benefit Humanity?
Artificial Intelligence Benefits Humanity?

A.I. of course is Artificial Intelligence.

Early Fears From The Dawn Of Robotic Intelligence
Early Fears From The Dawn Of Robotic Intelligence ....

The vision is of course of the machines taking over the running of many of the humans roles, and leading to a golden age of robotics.

The 'Rise of the Machines' ... A Fear Of Many.
'Rise of the Machines' ... A Fear Of Many.

The dystopian version of course is that A.I. will lead to the 'Rise of the Machines' with humans wiped out by a rampant computer intelligence that surpasses us, and we become an evolutionary dead end.

Humans Controlled By Artificial Intelligence?
Humans Controlled By Artificial Intelligence

Much indeed like the other Homo sapien species, such as Neanderthals and Denisovan's etc dies out when the intellectually superior humans arose. Well I have news for all those who fear the dystopian version of events ..... A.I. stands for Artificial Imbecile.

Artificial Imbecile ..... The Reality
Artificial Imbecile ..... The Reality

The proof? Sign up for Facebook, and then see what groups it thinks you might be interested in. For reasons that are too complicated to go into here, I recently had to sign up for this social media application. I stated that my only interest was Manchester United and ignored books, films etc to try and limit what Facebook would try and tag as being of interest to me.

Well if the A.I. algorithm that Facebook uses is anything to go by (and I guess it will be cutting edge with their vast funds), then the rise of the machines is a long way off, and I include self driving cars in a free road system (as opposed to all cars being A.I. controlled by a traffic computer system).

In response to this solitary declaration of an interest, the groups suggested as being of possible interest to me included Manchester City, a Thai modern dance exponent, and a Pie and Eel group in London (I have never lived in, nor worked in London).

Now if this is the very best that current A.I. algorithms can come up with ..... than the age of homo sapien dominance will continue for some time to come.

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