
Friday 9 August 2019

Oil Buys Odessa

If your a Saudi and you commit a crime whilst abroad .....

The Odessa Organisation Rescued Nazi War Criminals
The Odessa Organisation Rescued War Criminals .....

.... then there is usually no need for you to fear incarceration.

The Saudi state apparently operates a well run and funded escape plan for them. Rather like the mythical ODESSA organisation, that was said to have organised the escape of Nazi officers and officials after the end of World War II, the Saudi embassies seem to organise the escape from justice of Saudi nationals accused of serious crimes abroad. It appears that they believe that they are not to subjects of non-Islamic forms of justice.

The method is not especially subtle. They often first post bail for the accused, as they are apparently happy to post the bail and then lose the money to the foreign courts (presumably the family pay it back in Saudi), but sometimes they try to get the bail amount reduced first, before making the payment (got to watch the budget). Then the criminals escape the country by using another passport (given to them from somewhere), which replaces the one taken by the local police, and return to Saudi Arabia, where he (its invariably a male), will face no risk of extradition.

Examples of this practice go back to at least the 1980's: In Washington state, two Saudi students who were accused of rapes and sexual assaults in separate incidents in 2016, and 1989 respectively (one with a 10 year old child), are both believed to have managed to leave the USA and returned to Saudi Arabia.

The 1989 incident isn't the earliest example: In Ohio, in June 1988, Abdulrahman Ali Al-Plaies was accused of causing a car crash that left one elderly woman dead. The Saudi Embassy demanded police release him, claiming that he was mentally ill. After his bail was cut in half and the Saudi Embassy had made his bail, he was then met outside the jail by a Saudi military officer, who placed into a car and took him away .... never to be seen in the US again.

No Crimes Too Serious For A Saudi
No Crimes Too Serious For A Saudi  .....

There are numerous other examples .... for instance. The Saudi government bailed out Ali Hussain Alhamoud from the Lincoln County Jail in 2012, after he was indicted on multiple sex crime charges, including first-degree rape. Alhamoud, was living in Corvallis at the time, managed to board a plane in Portland on the same day he was released, and returned to Saudi Arabia.

In 2015 the Saudi consulate, posted a $100,000 bail for a Saudi national, Monsour Alshammari, who was accused of a rape in Utah. Police later arrested him the US-Mexico border, and he was sentenced to a year in prison after pleading guilty to the charge. At the time of his arrest he had ties to the Saudi royal family, and the Saudi consulate even had the cheek to try and get the bail money back (they were refused)

In 2016 Abdulrahman Sameer Noorah was accused of a fatal hit and run incident, killing Fallon Smart in Portland USA. In June 2017 (2 weeks before the trial), he absconded bail and disappeared. The 21-year-old Portland Community College student had been seen getting in to a black SUV with a packed bag, and his last known location was two miles away, where his ankle tracking monitor was sawn off.

Local enforcement officials reported that they believed Noorah had been given a fake passport and boarded a plane (probably a private jet) to flee the country. The Saudi government later confirmed that Noorah had arrived back in Saudi Arabia, but with no extradition treaty, that's the end of the matter.

In fact in Oregon state alone, five Saudi nationals (all of them attending college students), are thought to have had help getting out of the USA from high-powered sources within Saudi Arabia when faced with serious criminal charges. The story is the same in other states. In Montana, three Saudi nationals accused of rape and sexual assaults all fled the USA with official help.

In Oklahoma, a Saudi national was accused of raping a woman in October 2014 .... he failed to appear in court to face the charges, and is believed to be in Saudi Arabia. In Pennsylvania a college student from Saudi Arabia was accused of attempted rape, forcible compulsion, unlawful restraint, harassment and disorderly conduct ... He was later bailed out by a fellow student, and then flew from Detroit to an unknown destination i.e. Saudi Arabia.

In Milwaukee a Saudi Student was charged with sexually assaulting a woman in April 2014 ... bailed, he was later reported to have fled to Saudi Arabia. In Utah, a Saudi Arabia-sponsored exchange student was charged with first-degree rape and obstruction of justice.

In Canada, two similar instances occurred, in both instances the Saudi nationals, had had their passports taken off them when charged. Both were assisted by the Saudi Embassies (including bail money in one case), and both somehow fled the country back to Saudi Arabia.

Why we tolerate this countries behaviour is obvious .... OIL .... but one day that will run out.

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