
Friday 23 August 2019

Political Ping and Pong

I am unable to write posts this week ... so just one composite post. Normal service back next week 👍

Effing Common Sense

Rochdale council suddenly had an outbreak of common sense, when they dropped plans to fine people £100 ($125) for swearing in the town centre.

Swearing In Rochdale .... A Topic Of Hot Debate

When I say that they showed common sense I am being generous, as they only gave up after Greater Manchester Police pointed out that it would be virtually impossible to enforce the law, and human rights defenders said it risked breaching people rights.

Underhand Underwear

Czech politician Ester Kaplankova knows how to get a few votes for her Party of Free Citizens ... she made a video in which she cavorts in her underwear, whilst promoting an anti-tax campaign. She was forced by party bosses to take it down ....
Naughty Girl ....
.... but she is no stranger to controversy and headlines, as she previously wrote an article entitled, "Ester Kaplankova: 15 reasons to be a female member of Free". The article caused controversy because several of the reasons were related to bossy men, sex and money.

Confucius Says

Robert Mugabe, Ex Dictator of Zimbabwe, was awarded China's equivalent to the Nobel Peace Prize, the  Confucius Peace Prize in 2015. It tells you a lot about China's regime, that they have to invent (or is that steal?), their own version of the Noble Prizes, and then hand them out to murderers and despots. A previous winner was one Vladimir Putin.

Good Socialists

The Labour Party (which didn't actually win the election, but you would not guess this fact), is represented by MP's like Emily Thornberry. Recently while on the TV show Question Time she was asked by an audience member to 'Name one successful Socialist Country'. She was unable to name one ... she then caused mocking laughter by claiming that her party wasn't proposing any Socialist policies. She needs to go and talk to her socialist comrades, Corbyn, Abbot, McDonnell et al.

Look Before You Leap

Reading council had to apologise after putting a banner with the words 'Jump into Reading' on a local bridge. The bridge has been the scene of a number of suicide attempts.

Suspicions Confirmed

Republican candidates in the USA are getting more bizarre by the year (the rise of the Tea Party did a lot more damage than anyone realised at the time), and ignoring the increasingly bizarre President Trump, they reached a new level recently. One, congressional candidate, Bettina Rodriguez in Miami, claimed that she was abducted by three blond Scandinavian looking aliens when she was aged seven. She still has telepathic contact from them.

 Finally, to round up these politicians gaffes  ....

Not So Brighton

Brighton and Hove council where the Green party were the minority lead party in the town until 2015, and now its a Labour party minority lead, used to claim on its website to be committed to ‘a caring, inclusive and democratic society’ that enables everyone to ‘follow their interests’.
  • The council has refused to provide WiFi in its 25 elderly care homes because it fears that residents (who are all over the age of 21 needless to say), may access 'inappropriate material' aka pornography ... so much for following their own interests.

A Brighton care home for elderly Christians run by The Pilgrim Homes charity, lost thousands of pounds of funding from the local council in 2008 because of its religious beliefs on homosexuality. The council wanted the home to ask its elderly Christian residents (Residents at the Brighton home are made up of 39 single Christians aged over 80, including former missionaries and a retired church minister), about their sexual orientation every three months.

The council also wanted the home to use images of homosexuals in its promotional literature and show a Stonewall presentation on ‘gay rights’ to staff. When managers at the care home explained that to comply with the demands would unduly distress the elderly residents, and undermine the home’s Christian ethos, the councils officials accused the home of “institutionalised homophobia” and pulled £13,000 of funding, which was being used to support a care warden.
  • Brighton residents are now being offered the category ‘Mx’ (for Mixter) alongside Mr, Ms and Mrs on council forms ..... 

..... when PC policies get a grip in politics, madness soon follows.

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