
Friday 30 August 2019

Edinburgh Fringe 2019

Well another year and another Edinburgh Fringe ticked off.

Oor Wullie .... Part Of The Festival Street Furniture

I have to admit it seems to get more packed each year, but the weather was good (no rain), and all but one of the shows started as sell outs in their venues.

So without further ado and having discussed this with the usual suspects, we have rated the shows as follows :

Austentatious: 5 Star. Consummate professionals with a quick wit and great improv. They tour the world including regular sell-out West End shows ... We have seen them before, and they were excellent then as well.

Notflixs - Originals: 5 Star. Again improv but as musicals. Much younger ensemble of all female performers .... but excellent nonetheless. One to watch out for again.

Lolly Jones - I Believe In Merke: 4 Star. Spoof parody of the Brexit shambles set to the politicians own voices ... cleverly done but obviously limited in shelf life ..... we hope. We will look to see what she does next year NB: Some partial nudity.

Daniel Nils Roberts: The History Of The World In One Hour. 4 Star. What it says on the tin, but the long running gag at the beginning of the show gets rapidly tedious. Could easily reduce that and add a bit more history .... its not like there isn't plenty.

Bumper Blyton: 4 Star. From the same stable as Austentacious but not quite the A team. Not bad, but just not quite as funny.

Giant Are Fjord: 4 Star. Musical comedy, themed on Euro trash musik from the Scandinavia of the 90's. Funny and inventive.

Could It Be Magic: 3 Star. Pretty straightforward magician. Mostly card or numbers tricks, but competently done.

Michelle McManus - Pop Goes The Idol: 3 Star. A comedy singer and former talent show winner from Glasgow. The act wasn't bad but she carries her own local fan base who gleefully whoop and holler (mostly drunkenly) throughout the show. What is sometimes described as a 'locals show' .... mostly an Edinburgh audience, those who don't go to any show which hasn't 'been on the telly'

And finally oh dear .... we had a walkout show, which was a first for us in 19 years of fringe attendance .... not that we haven't felt like walking on a couple of other occasions.

Three Menopausal Maids. Rating 0. They apparently had no microphones or they wasn't operating, and they had set the seating set around three sides of the stage. We could only hear one in three words at best, and at the first break, 6 - 8 people made their escape, including us. It appeared to be totally amateurish and cheaply done. The review indicated that they had been a sell out last year, with much the same show ...... however based on the 15 minutes we were there, I don't know how. It felt like we had been mugged.

Of course these views are entirely personal to our experience, which is why there are links to the official ed-fringe links for the acts. As always, you pays your money and takes your chances.

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