
Friday 30 August 2019

Two Mouths To Feed

Debbie Geddes was fishing in Lake Champlain in up-state New York state, USA ....

"Champ" .... Not The Only Lake Champlain "Monster"

.... When she came across a 'monster'

No, sadly not the famous local 187-foot long mythical lake monster "Champ", but rather a reel oddity ..... a fishing reel surprise.

This Fish Takes Twice The Feeding .....

As she said herself, "When this particular fish bit, it felt like I had a nice fish on. I actually commented, 'I hope it's as big as it feels!' When we got it in the boat, I couldn't believe what I was seeing! Two mouths! And yet this fish was healthy and thriving! Pretty amazing!"'

"I just can't believe all the attention this has received. The public's responses/theories are quite interesting, to say the least. I personally believe it was caused by a previous injury, most likely from another angler."

Speculation as to the cause of its unusual mouth configuration have included sewage pollution, or nuclear run-off .... but its probably just a natural sport. Just for the record .... she released it unharmed.


  1. That's amazing and I think the 'previous injury theory' is most likely.

    1. Hello Vroomfondel .... Hope you are well. I agree that it is unlikely to be a 'previous injury'.

    2. Thank you, I am well. You too I trust?

      I said that I thought that it probably was a previous injury, did you mis-type your reply?

    3. I am well and vertical thanks.

      Oops yes I misread your comment. But I favour a genetic sport that survived, so in essence my reply was correct as I do think it is unlikely to be a 'previous injury'. I can't imagine an injury that would create two mouths, although I suppose its possible.

    4. Good to hear, although all the posts kind of gave that away.

      A quick search reveals other fish with two mouths; I agree, the result is a bit too neat to be previous damage and it's not the only example. I'll go with a genetic mutation.


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