
Friday 9 August 2019

Modern Times

The Bavarian town of Starnberg has a policing problem ....

Starnberg In The News For The Wrong Reasons .....

.... They are far too soft.

How can I say that? Well listen to this little tale of errant youth on the rampage.

Starnberg's Gymnasium school decided to hold its annual summer festival party to which students, former pupils, parents, teachers and friends of the school had been invited.  This was to be held in the inner courtyards of the school with one entrance.

Things went reasonably well on the night, thanks partly to a foresight of a security guard being posted at the gates. However just outside the school a 'private' party formed on a public footpath next to the school .... pupils were going outside to drink alcohol and take drugs.

However many of those 'friends' on the footpath were not able to get in to the school party and trouble started to brew .... At 21:45pm teenage boy approached a security guard asking for drugs and when refused had gone on a rampage of shouting and threats. It was at this point that someone finally called the police.

They arrived and tried to reason with the schoolboy, who was later described as drunk, but he remained aggressive and was then ordered to leave the party. Guess what, he refused, and the police decided to arrest him ("policy custody was all that remained", they said later) .... but by this time things had gone way too far. Some of the boy's friends tried to prevent the police taking him, and one of them tried to kick a policeman in the head.

Still, no  more arrests were made for some reason, and the police headed back with their one prisoner (reports don't say whether the private or school parties continued) .... but by now, social media meant that news of the boys arrest had circulated, and when the policemen arrived at the police station, a crowd of up to 100 youths had formed up outside. The school headteacher, who had gone along with the police when the teen boy was arrested, was apparently unable to determine if any of the the mob were pupils at his school. It was later confirmed that the arrested youth wasn't a pupil ....

Police Station Under Siege .......

About 50 of the mob threw bottles and stones at the police and the police station, and some of them then tried to force their way in to free the schoolboy. A window was broken, and the police sign at the entrance was torn down. Finally 70 extra police were called in to Starnberg police station to secure it for the rest of the night. Just one 19 year old from the mob was temporarily detained on suspicion of trying to release a prisoner and damaging property.  

The 15-year-old schoolboy whose violent behaviour sparked the whole thing off was handed over to his parents, and then taken to hospital for treatment for a headache. He also tested positive for alcohol and drugs .... the school plans to continue holding its summer festivals but will 'seek cooperation with the police in order to prevent these troublesome parallel celebrations in the public space directly near the school'.

A strange little story that sums up our modern times for good and bad .....

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