
Friday 26 March 2021

King Rex

A lot of creationists believe that dinosaurs and humans co-existed after humans arrived ....

The Left Hand Carving From The Ta Prohm Temple Cambodia Is Often Cited By Creationists ......

.... an example of this is that nearly a third of Texans questioned in a University of Texas/Texas Tribune Poll in 2010 believed that humans and dinosaurs roamed the earth at the same time, 

It got worse, more than half disagreed with the theory of evolution, and that humans developed from earlier species of animals ..... with 38 percent agreeing with the statement "God created human beings pretty much in their present form about 10,000 years ago." .... 38 per cent of the rest thought God created humans over millions of years, and guided the process. Just 12 per cent agreed with natural evolution with no god involved.

In this, they are soul mates with many in the Indian Government, such as Satyapal Singh (Now former Indian Minister For Higher Education), who also think that humans were created just as we are by God. Mr Singh and others, also pushed for the theory of evolution to be removed from the Indian schools and colleges curriculum (much like US creationists) .... in fact they only disagree about which God created humans.

While Mr Singhs views on dinosaurs, and their place in the order of things are not known currently, we certainly know that the Texans and their brethren elsewhere in the USA believe that Dinosaurs (Behemoths and Leviathans in the Bible) were created by God, and that therefore biblical humans such as Job were co-existing with them. 

Nothosaurus Giganteus Was A Swimmer And Land Dinosaur (5–7 metres (16–23 ft) long)

They were all killed by drowning in the great flood as Noah didn't take any with him, and they couldn't swim (even the sea based ones like the Nothosaurus?) .... so there!

An American comedian Lewis Black, once ran a routine which included the observation that "a significant proportion of the American people think that the 'The Flintstones' is a documentary," .... sadly that is actually true .... Thirty percent of Texans really do agree that humans and dinosaurs lived on the earth at the same time

The Mighty Spinosaurus And Puny Human

Oddly, as to how we would have managed with beasts such as Tyrannosaurus Rex, or the mighty Spinosaurus is never entirely clear .... however, humans are notoriously inventive and clever. We have after all managed to out breed the rest of the animal kingdom, and are now busily destroying our children's, children's future .... as we go forth and multiply.

And its that multiplication that would hold the key .... if duck-billed dinosaurs such as Edmontasauarus can survive, with brains as small as walnuts, the humans, while in danger, would probably have adapted and found ways to survive. Large brains would be the key .... but on that basis, many Texicans it appear, would struggle!!

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