
Friday 12 March 2021

The Orchestra Of Hate

 One thing that the Princess Markle interview has exposed ...

Organised Trolling Campaigns
A Lot Of Social Media Trolling Is Organised ......

.... is that Britain is now in the thrall of the nasty little creed of woke!

A creed that brooks no opposition, no contradictory voice, no dissenting opinions, and certainly not the voicing of the truth. They say that the truth may set us free, but apparently not when attacking any  person as being a 'racist', for not agreeing with every bit of PC driven drivel being spouted by a hypocrite or on social media.

So any criticism, whether justified or not, of a person who identifies as being 'black' (even when they are actually mixed race), is instantly met with a wave of hate, often seemingly orchestrated via social media platforms such as Twitter or Facebook (other platforms may also be used). There is always a call for the object of the troll attack, to be sacked (and, or, worse in some cases).

Trolls Are Hiding Behind Keyboards ....

No one checks to see if these calls are being organised by certain groups, who may well be operating with an agenda that the silent majority of us don't support.

So for example when the popular radio presenter Danny Baker was accused of mocking Meghan Markle's African American heritage (she of course is mixed race), with an ill thought out tweet (featuring a chimp baby who was dressed as a lord) ... he immediately apologised, and said that he had simply made a "naive and catastrophic mistake" with his choice of image, but denied any racist intent. 

He claimed that the image had actually been meant to lampoon the life of unearned privilege that the Sussexes first child had been born into. This claim was not enough for the trolls on social media, and the BBC sacked him. What chance would a caricaturist such as James Gilray have in this new age?

Similarly when TV presenter Piers Morgan publicly stated that said he doubted the accuracy of the account given by Meghan in the interview with Oprah Winfrey, of both her mental health issues (she claims to have had suicidal thoughts), and her allegations of racist comments from the extended Royal family, he was instantly attacked in a mass campaign of vitriol and complaints to ITV/ofCom. Apparently over 41,00 originally complained to ITV (including Meghan herself) or OfCom about his statement, but afterwards more than 100,000 later signed a petition to reinstate Morgan on the ITV show. Guess which one will win??

I Should Guess That Mr Morgan Would Like To Fight Back

He had also committed the sin of having criticised Meghan Markle in the past, once stating that in his opinion she was a hypocrite social climber, and that he was "Only surprised it took her so long to get Harry to ditch his family, the monarchy, the military and his country. What a piece of work." .... a statement which at least has some semblance of the truth at first glance. However this time, needless to say ITV's chief executive, Carolyn McCall, defended the veracity of the Duchess's latest comments and said "and importantly, everyone should" ... shortly after this, Mr Morgan was announced as leaving the TV show.

So where does this leave us? Well apparently Meghan Markle is now untouchable, and according to Ms McCall at least, is telling the truth. I assume therefore we are to believe that she was seriously considering suicide because of racism in the Royal family, and not perhaps due to a case of post natal depression?  ... Also its now clear that any criticism or lampoon of her actions or claims is now a sackable offence. Why? Purely because she claims fifty per cent African descent?

On the wider social front, it only takes one to turn on the television to see what woke politics and the power of the social media mob has done to the portrayals of the British on this medium. Virtually all the adverts now feature an ethnic minority person in nearly every shot, and if a male, they are usually accompanied by a white female partner (who is more often than not blonde). They often have mixed race children as well. This apparently is the new face of Britain, despite the population only being five percent black and mixed race relationships not being that common nationwide (except perhaps amongst black footballers).

So, where we are headed next with this trend? It's hard to guess, but as our past and future are being black washed as fast as the left can manage it, I suspect it will not necessarily be a good place for some of us.

Newspeak and 1984 is real, and we are living through its start in Britain (or Oceania, as we may well be called in the future).

Update 02/09/2021:

In a rare victory against wokeness and PC madness, and for free speech and thought the British TV regulatory authority Ofcom ruled in September 2021 that Piers Morgan was "entitled to say that he disbelieved the allegations" made by princess sparkle ... err the Duchess of Sussex. It said that stopping him would be 'an unwarranted and chilling restriction on freedom of expression'. 

Of course it then criticised his remarks as being negative on any mental health issues involved but that his co-presenters had challenged that at the time. 

Morgan has reportedly said amongst comments that the ruling was "a resounding victory for free speech, and a resounding defeat for princess Pinocchio. Do I get my job back."  ... of course he wont, and also of course ITV boss Dame Carolyn McCall, who believed every word of Meghan Markles claims, will not lose her job over his forced resignation. Ms Markle will continue to live a privileged lifestyle in the USA with her husband.

That's the real result of this ... accountability only goes so far.


  1. I'm surprised that you felt able to voice even this mild opinion. We seem to have been cowed in to supine acceptance of the new truths.

    1. I admit that I did think about it, but what case free speech, if any fair comment is suppressed? Thanks for the comment.


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