
Friday 12 March 2021

Three Of My Favourite Things

 I was struck by a thought the other day ...

Three Of My Favourite Things!

.... why do we have favourite things?

Now I don't mean loving your car, your jewellery, or perhaps having a favourite painting on the wall. No, I am referring to favourites amongst the more common things, which we might own many of. Items such as cutlery, or plates or cups etc.

Take the three mugs pictured above. I have possibly twenty others, but I invariably use only these three for all my drinks (any guests get one of my less well regarded mugs).

The large brown one, is my tea mug. The middle one is my coffee mug. The last one, the smallest with the legend on, is my bedtime herbal tea cup. I rarely, if ever, select another mug or cup to drink those beverages from, and will even wash up, just to get the appropriate vessel for the beverage I'm having.

Its ridiculous really, and a complete waste of the other mugs, which remain largely unused in a cupboard over the kettle. But, I doubt that I am alone in this foible ..... we are very strange creatures, and that's a fact.


  1. I know what you mean. I have a favorite plate for subs or grinders. I can't fully explain why that particular plate is favored but I can't eny it's true.

    1. I straight up confess that I had to immediately lookup a couple of terms in this comment ('Grinders' and 'Subs', were somewhat problematic ...). But for the uninitiated these are both sandwich types from the USA, and not homosexual sexual references haha!

      So now that we have cleared that up .... I also admit that I have a favourite sandwich (butty in the North of England), plate as well. I am OK about knives and forks as I bought a set of a type I like.

      Thanks for the comment .... just proves I'm not alone in my fetish ... PHEW!

    2. I'm trying to replace my favorite coffee mug after a breakage left me bereft. I have decided to try for an antique mug to replace it. Its going to be a tough search to find a replacement that ticks all the boxes.

    3. Do you mean your going to try, and find the exact replacement or another mug that's an antique? I guess it doesn't matter, it will likely be a long search.

      Thanks for the comment.


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