
Friday 19 March 2021

Rough Justice And Some Justice

Truck drivers in the Ukrainian Dnepropetrovsk region, had clearly decided that the law was no longer working for them.

Truckers Justice .......

So when they caught a suspected truck thief who they had suspected of stealing fuel and batteries from their vehicles, and they were not disposed to calling the police, mainly as they usually have to pay for such losses from their own pockets. They simply took the law into their own hands and hung the thief up by his ankle from a tree.

They then filmed him pleading to be let down, and the truckers then destroyed his car (after showing the stolen contents) .... rough justice, but I'll bet he will remember it. The police arrested him and were looking for his abductors.

The local police stated that "The man we see in the recording was arrested for a series of thefts. The court has already applied appropriate preventive measures."  But the town mayor of nearby city of Żółte Wody, perhaps with an eye on future elections, said "If the law enforcement bodies are helpless, lynching may start occurring in our city"

.... If the drivers are caught, they face the same possible penalty as the thief, which is  imprisonment of up to 5 years. I suspect that with public opinion on their side, the police will not find them.

Sins Of The Father

In a definite contribution to the nurture or hereditary debate, Jeremy Wright formerly of Wareham and Bovington, Dorset, England, has been convicted of child sex offences, after he admitted holding indecent images on a USB stick.

He has to serve a three year community order and attend a sex offender programme.

Sins Of The Father - A Family Of Paedophiles?

What makes this more than just slightly repulsive, is that his son William Wright is already in jail for making indecent images of himself having sex with a minor, and his late father Alex Wright was also jailed for child abuse. What a family.

Like Father Like Son

These family connections in paedophiles is more common than you might think .... Jerry Sandusky was an assistant coach at Penn State university football team from 1969 to 1999. He used this position and a charity for underprivileged children that he founded, to groom and abuse young boys aged as young as 8 years old. He was charged with 52 charges of sexual crimes against children (including at least one child he had adopted). He was found guilty and sentenced to 60 years in prison. There were actually many more possible charges that could be laid against him.

Like Father - Like Son

One of his children 41 year old Jeffrey (Jeff) Sandusky (not the one who reported being abused), was arrested in February 13, 2017, and charged with sexual assault of a teenage child and possession of child pornography. On December 8, 2017, he was given a sentence of three-and-a-half to six years in prison (in a plea deal) after "pleading guilty to pressuring a teenage girl to send him naked photos and asking her teen sister to perform a sex act."

The Jury's Still Out

In a possible victory for common sense, a jury in the UK found a householder in Catford, London, not guilty when he was charged with murder. He had killed a burglar / intruder in his house in a fight, by stabbing him over 50 times.

Fifty one year old Mr Errol Hanson said that he had been fighting for his life against the younger man, Mohammed Savare. However there was some doubt raised over the self defence claim, because the stabbings took place outside on the patio, after Mr Hanson had evicted Mr Savare from the property during a violent struggle.

He then fetched a knife, before going outside and repeatedly stabbing the intruder. But the court was told, that Mr Savare had a history of violent crime and relentless attacks upon his victims ..... Jurors  took less than 6 hours to clear Mr Hanson of all charges.

There is an increasing disconnect between the justice system and the general public's view of what constitutes natural justice, that governments should pay far more attention to.  

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