
Friday 19 March 2021

Suicide By Air-crash

Its a fact that we don't like to think about too often but there have been a number of suspected suicides by airline pilots.

Not Much Remained Of Germanwings Flight 4U99525,
After It Was Deliberately Crashed In To The Alps

....... flying their air planes into objects or into the ground.

Usually taking their passengers , crew and civilians with them. Here's just a few of quite a list of suspected pilot created crashes: 
  • In 1976 a Russian Aeroflot, Antonov 2 crashed into a block of flats ... the flats happened to where the pilots ex-wife lived. 12 people died, and of course his ex-wife survived. 
  • In 1979 an airport mechanic who had been sacked from Bogotá airport in Columbia, stole a Hawker-Siddley plane and crashed into a nearby suburb, killing himself and 4 people.
  • In 1994, an air force engineer stole stole an Antonov 26 from Kubinka airport. He simply circled the airport for hours until the fuel ran out and the plane crashed. He was the only fatality.
  • In 1994, a Royal Maroc aircraft is believed to have been hijacked by either the pilot or co-pilot and deliberately crashed into the Atlas mountains in Morocco, killing 44 people.

SilkAir Flight 185 ...
  • In 1997 in Thailand, a Silkair pilot deliberate crashed into a river killing 104 people.
  • In 1999 an Egyptair aircraft crashed over the USA Atlantic coastline killing 215 people after unexplained actions by the pilot.   
  • In 1999 an Air Botswana ATR-42 was stolen by a retired pilot and crashed into two planes.
  • In 2013 a Embraer ERJ-190 flying from Mozambique to Angola, plummeted 38,000 feet over Namibia killing 33 people on-board, after the pilot was locked out of the flight deck by the co-pilot for reasons unknown. 
  • On 24 March 2015, Germanwings Flight 4U99525 crashed into the French Alps was determined to be a suicide by the Co-Pilot Andreas Lubitz, who had previously been treated for suicidal tendencies and declared "unfit to work" by his doctor, but not told his employers. All 144 passengers and six crew members were killed.

Pilots are human beings, and just as prone to human frailties as anyone else, but it takes a certain narcissism to kill other people, often complete strangers, while committing suicide. I wonder what that tells you about the personality types of these pilots ....

.... after all most suicides could actually commit suicide by car, and kill a lot of others at the same time, but they don't. In fact car crash is a rare form of suicide, and nearly always involves a wall or an innocent tree ...

1 comment:

  1. According to reports the Flight data on a China Eastern Airlines plane that crashed in March 2022 indicates it was intentionally put into a nose-dive, according to US media reports. All 132 passengers and crew on board the plane died in the crash.


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