
Friday 12 March 2021

Duke And Duchess Of Dishing Dirt

 I see that Meghan and Harry have once again decided to cash in on their fame (or is that infamy?) ...

There's Gold In Dishing The Dirt ....

..... By giving another interview on TV, with many an unchallenged claim thrown out.

In this one, the Prince, and his US daytime TV star consort, claimed amongst other things, that life under the scrutiny of a rabidly racist UK tabloid press, and living with a racist Royal family, was intolerable, and was a "large part" of why they left the UK ... hmm, really?

Now call me an old cynic, but I was under the distinct impression that after the Royal Princess wedding (with its coast to coast US TV coverage), the plan (or at least Meghan's part of it), was to relocate back to the US or Canada asap, where their (her) new found fame would guarantee fame, extreme fortune, and even possibly political possibilities (President Meghan 2040 anyone?)

Can anyone, hand on their heart say that they really are surprised that the couple could not see their future opening sports events, visiting old peoples homes, etc etc in the UK for the rest of their lives, when Hollywood, big TV interviews, no public responsibilities, and wall to wall (presumably non 'racist'), US media coverage beckoned in the sunnier climes of Canada and the US? 

I certainly couldn't, and I doubt if anyone else in the Royal Family could either .... but hey ho, these are the times we live in. So Meghan and Harry will continue to wash the family linen in public and dish out claim after claim (*knowing no one from British Royal or Political circles can publicly challenge them or call them delusional lies), and thus inflict great damage on the Royal Family, and the UK, all whilst lining their own pockets with great wealth for as long as the media gravy train rolls along.

*The British Prime Minister was apparently asked if the Royal Family, the Queen aside, is "racist". He could only affirm his admiration for the Queen, and say he couldn't comment on Meghan and Harry's claims .... how sad was it that someone in the media felt emboldened enough to able to ask that question?. 

What else could he say? Maybe that apparently the Sussexes are apparently willing to say, and do anything, to hurt the UK and the Royal Family, just to big Meghan up, as some sort of millionaress black heroine, for groups such as BLM, or the Antifa brigade in the US?  Mayhap the PM could have said that after Prince Harry had his allowance cut off by his dad at the age of 35 (and only had the millions left to him by his mother to live on), its understandable that he and his wife would tout kiss and tell stories across the globe to scrape a living?

Or perhaps he's supposed to say that the Royal family are all rabid racists? 

Personally I hope the pair of them disappear into the well deserved (in their minds) very wealthy, privileged, private obscurity that they publicly claim to want, but which they quite palpably, are doing nothing to achieve.

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