
Friday 12 January 2024

No Police State

What happens if the police go on strike? 

Police Strike Baltimore (1974) And 'Community' Response
Police Strike Baltimore (1974) And
The 'Community' Response.

Thankfully, we don't have to answer that question very often.

Police strikes are usually illegal in most countries, but that doesn't mean that they don't occur. In the UK the last time it happened was in 1919, before the first 1919 act that made it illegal. In France, somewhat surprisingly (given the propensity for pubic employee strikes) it was in 1944, during the liberation fighting. 

Whereas in North America there were a spate of local city police strikes between the mid 1960's to the mid 1970's ... then a small number in the early 1980's. Again a little surprisingly, in South America, the police strikes have all been comparatively recently, since the 2000's in fact.

So for example, in 2020 the authorities in Brazil could tell you what happens when the police stop patrolling. In their country, the homicide rate goes up five times higher than usual when the local police are on strike. With for example, 147 people murdered in the north-eastern state of Ceará, in the first five days of a military police strike in February 2020, this despite the deployment of the army to patrol the streets.

Similarly, the 'defund the police' movements across Democrat areas of the USA have led to some US cities seeing an upsurge in homicides, rapes, and unsolved crimes as police numbers fell or remained static, but with for example no over-time funds for investigators, so less investigation levels. 

Cities such as:

  • Los Angeles (D) - $150 million taken from police budgets, reducing the number of officers from 9,988 as of June 2020 to 9,757 by summer 2021.
  • Minneapolis (D) - Police numbers remained the same, but $8m transferred from the police budget to social services programs - one group MPD150, said it was "working towards a police-free Minneapolis."
  • New York City (D) - $1 billion away from the NYPD’s budget, and cancelling police recruitments.
  • Portland , Ore. (D) - $16m taken from police budgets, and 
  • Austin, Texas (D) - voted to cut roughly one-third of the city’s $434 million police budget, slashing just over $150 million, have shifted funds from police departments to social services programs.
Last British Police Strike 1919
Last British Police Strike 1919

All the cuts, had led some departments to lay off officers, cancel recruiting classes or retreat from hiring goals, or stop police overtime, and consequently crime levels have gone up, as well as the number of unsolved crimes increased. 

This is the cost of the woke nonsense, that says that certain 'communities' only have some criminal elements, because not enough money is spent on them, or even, because there are too many police. Of course common sense says that less police, leads to more crime, and that decriminalising thefts under a certain amount, means that members of a 'community' will go out and rob shops blind up to that amount.

However common sense (or honesty about their communities root issues) are seldom seen, when any left leaning 'activist' is spouting out on TV, or marching in the streets with regards to the police or race.


  1. A police strike in Papua New Guinea led to riots, looting and arson.

    It was rather like a US city, when a criminal gets killed by the police and the community responds in a similar manner.

    1. Hi Steve K.... I hadn't spotted that story and it just highlights how many would turn to crime if they thought that they wouldn't get caught. Thanks for the comment.


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