Belarus is an old communist run part of Europe. Neither Russian, nor European, its rather an anomalous state stuck between Poland and Russia. Therefore its perhaps no surprise that industrial food processing practices are not too far removed from the old soviet days.
So when in 2018 a shopper found a human finger in a packet of chicken nuggets, people suspected the worst.
Police traced the packet back to a poultry factory in Minsk, where a worker was found to have hidden the fact that he had lost several fingers in an unreported industrial accident. Somewhere out there its believed the other finger digits are lurking in chicken packets ..... buyer beware.
But stone the crows, we aren't so red hot over in the West either. Stephen Bell a security guard, chose the healthy option washed and ready to eat 'Nature’s Pick Bistro Salad' from the Aldi store in Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland on his lunch break But he found a dead baby crow in the packet, after he’d already eaten half of the mixed leaves.
Aldi have sent the bird off for testing and analysis, and offered him a £50 goodwill voucher .... Mr Bell told the press “That’s the last time I go for the healthy option."
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Finger Lickin Chicken |
So when in 2018 a shopper found a human finger in a packet of chicken nuggets, people suspected the worst.
Police traced the packet back to a poultry factory in Minsk, where a worker was found to have hidden the fact that he had lost several fingers in an unreported industrial accident. Somewhere out there its believed the other finger digits are lurking in chicken packets ..... buyer beware.
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Stone The Dead Baby Crow |
But stone the crows, we aren't so red hot over in the West either. Stephen Bell a security guard, chose the healthy option washed and ready to eat 'Nature’s Pick Bistro Salad' from the Aldi store in Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland on his lunch break But he found a dead baby crow in the packet, after he’d already eaten half of the mixed leaves.
Aldi have sent the bird off for testing and analysis, and offered him a £50 goodwill voucher .... Mr Bell told the press “That’s the last time I go for the healthy option."
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