
Friday 25 January 2019

Terrorist Bureaucracy

It seems that the islamic terrorist group Al-Qaeda are a little bit prone towards a type of civil service bureaucracy approach to recruitment into its ranks.

Al-Qaeda HQ and Leader (both ex) - Home of Bureaucracy.

Questions asked, remind one of any large modern organisation, and include some about the hobbies, pastimes, as well as the willingness of applicants to be a martyr (well perhaps the last one isn't that common in the West).

Their application form has a watermark that states that its from 'The Security Committee - Al-Qa'ida Organisation', followed by the snappy phrase 'O ye people of faith, be vigilant', and was captured in the raid on Osama Bin-Laden's Abbottabad compound in Pakistan in 2011. Released by US security in 2015, it has the usual starting points, you know, page one 'please write clearly and answer truthfully' etc, followed by entering your personal details - including name, date of birth, father's name, grandfather's name, profession etc.

Interestingly, they appear to prefer the term Anno Domini (AD) for non Hijri dates, rather than the nonsense Current Era (CE) which western PC warriors insist on using ....

Al-Qaeda Application Page One

Then on page 2, well it asks "What foreign languages do you speak? What education level have you attained?" so far, so good. But then, well you stop applying for that bank clerks job, when it asks what is the "Date of your arrival in the land of jihad? How long do you plan to stay in the (jihadi) theatre? Do you know anyone who travels to Western countries?" and "How many trips have you taken to Pakistan, and for what reason(s)?"

Al-Qaeda Application Pages Two and Three ....

By page 3, there can no longer be doubt what's wanted from the applicant "Have you ever been convicted by any court? Have you ever been in jail or prison? Have you received military training? Do you wish to execute a suicide operation?" and "What objectives would you like to accomplish on your jihad path?"

Then in a final flourish of banality, we return to "Do you have any chronic or hereditary diseases? Who should we contact in case you became a martyr? [space for an address and phone number of the person who will be informed of their not-so-accidental death.]" .... finishing with another call to the faithful, by praising the lord of all worlds.

Its really a weird world, where there are applications forms for terrorist groups  ..... but in some odd way it chimes fully with the nature of the strange society we are creating in the 21st century.

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