
Friday 4 January 2019

Conspiracy Corner

I was in a bar the other day (no surprise there then), when I heard a conspiracy theory that I had not heard before. I will have to paraphrase it a little, as the gentleman spouting it, was a little verbose and prone to losing the point. 

The Invasion Fleet Coming Soon .....

Basically it was this. We will be invaded by an alien fleet of highly advanced technology within the next 50 - 100 years, and there is a conspiracy of silence to keep us in the dark about it.
The American Presidents and other world super power leaders know this already, and have done so since 1947 (Roswell), when the alien fleets advance scouts visited, and worst than that, they also know that we will lose i.e. Resistance is futile. The only defence is to make the Earth totally unattractive, and or, economically unviable for the invaders the hope that the aliens will lose interest and leave us, sitting in our own midden, poverty stricken, but free and alive.

So to achieve those ends, the worlds major countries are allowing the planet to be run into the ground before the invasion fleet arrives. So pollution is going unchecked, overpopulation is using all the worlds resources up, and we are generally trashing the place. This is why (and this was his clincher), President Trump has pulled out of all climate control talks, claiming global warming isn't happening, because he couldn't tell the world the real reasons.

I almost gave him a round of applause, because:

(a). It ticked all the boxes
  • Pollution.
  • Overpopulation.
  • Global Warming.
  • Alien Overlords.
  • Roswell.
  • Conspiracy Of Silence.
(b). It tied all the components together in a form of logic that its hard to defeat (as long as you accept the alien invasion part via Roswell).


(c) Its impossible to totally disprove it, unless you live to be well over 100.

So a nearly perfect example of its type. I suspect that this was not entirely his own conspiracy theory, and that at the very least he was embellishing something he had read somewhere else, but that, like his conspiracy, is impossible to prove.

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