
Friday 25 January 2019

Sexy Sells

Dust, is an X-Men mutant from Afghanistan in the Marvel Universe, and is described by Marvel as having a strong "respect for tradition".

'Dust' From The Marvel Universe - Ms Alfageeh's Version Of 'Dust'
'Dust' From The Marvel Universe - Ms Alfageeh's Version Of 'Dust'
However her latex effect Niqab upset some (American?) Muslim women ..... (why doesn't that surprise me?), even though they are not the primary audience, or even close to being more than a very small minority.

Anyways, Ms Sara Alfageeh felt that making her "clothes cling to her body", was to "sexualise Dust" ... in other words, the opposite of the Niqab's intended effect, which is meant to de-sexualise a women entirely. Mainly, so that Muslim men aren't driven to lustful thoughts about women in the street.

So she designed a new costume for her heroine .... fully face covered, with no body shape. If she wanted to dehumanise and de-sexualise a female character to the point that is never going to sell a comic .... well, total success.

Ms Marvel Has A Couple Of Issues For Muslim Women
Ms Marvel Has A Couple Of Issues For Muslim Women ...

Of course Marvel had already got another Muslim woman superhero called Ms Marvel - a young Muslim woman from Afghanistan inspired by Captain Marvel - now I can see a couple of problems with her as well (hair and face both uncovered in Afghanistan ... what else did you think?). Anyway, this is all tied in to another 'wimmins' movement, whereby women artists redraw sexist female characters from comics. 

Sexism Sells .... In Any Universe
Sexism Sells .... In Any Universe

But Sex Sells .... in any Universe, not just Marvels.

First Use Of Sex In Advertising, Pearl Tobacco Label circa 1871
First Use Of Sex In Advertising,
Pearl Tobacco Label circa 1871

Or so advertisers since 1871 have believed, and Marvel should always remember that women generally, and Muslim women in particular are a very small part of their comic demographic, and even for the film demographics.

Following trends like this, they risk simply throwing the baby out with the bath water ....

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