
Friday, 26 April 2019

Criminal Stupidity

As often illustrated on this blog, criminals are rarely 'Masterminds'. They are not intelligent criminal Kingpins, or 'Napoleon's of Crime', like Lex Luthor or Professor Moriarty ....

Napoleons Of Crime - Lex Luthor and Professor Moriarty
Napoleons Of Crime - Lex Luthor and Professor Moriarty

.... No, they are invariably either just very violent anti-social thugs, or witless cretins, who get caught time and time again. Or a mixture of both ....

Florida Man versus South Wales Man

My interest in the Florida Man news tags remains strong .....

The Cassowary - A Dinosaur Of A Bird
The Cassowary - A Dinosaur Of A Bird.

So my eye was caught by the news that Marvin Hajos, a 75-year-old man was killed in the city of Alachua in northern Florida. Nothing too unusual in that perhaps, but it was the manner of his death that made me take note.

Hipster Or A Dog Girls?

It appears that women have some hard choices to make in the mating game .....

Hipster Man - The Most Recent Male Trend.
Hipster Man - The Most Recent Male Trend.

Firstly, a beard or no beard on the prospective date ....

Richest Man Ever?

The title the worlds richest man is never definitively answered in any generation.

Jeff Bezos Has $131bn (£99bn) Reasons To Smile

Often the men (or women) who might be claimants to that title are loath to reveal their real wealth, the title therefore falls upon someone who doesn't care, or is not clever enough at hiding their assets from a curious world.

Friday, 19 April 2019

Showing His Nettle

I strongly suspect that England has more daft world titles and contests than any other country.

Phil Thome - 3 Times World Champion ...

I mean we have, cheese rolling contests and Wellie Wanging and numerous others. One, the the World pea shooting Championship has actually created the quiz question of the week.

Animal Shorts

No Pecking Order

The council of Bristol in England have put up thousands of plastic spike to stop birds (particularly pigeons) from roosting in the trees in the Clifton area of the city. Its believed that the spikes and other measures (including fake hawks), are there solely to protect residents cars from being fouled.

Spiked Trees .... Too Extreme A Response?
Spiked Trees .... Too Extreme?

Having had my car spotted (well splattered might be a more accurate description), by Sea Gulls, I have some sympathy with the car owners.

The Naked Carpenter

In a story that's very reminiscent of the Naked Rambler (what ever happened to him?) ....

Kent Police Mug Shot
Kent Police Mug Shot

.... a delivery courier who often handed over parcels, wearing trousers with a hole cut out from the crotch and with no underwear on, has been convicted of ten counts of indent exposure by a jury trial at Canterbury Crown Court.

All Quiet On The Western Front

I had an email asking if I was 'avoiding Brexit and UK politics', having had so much to say about it until the last 18 months?
British Politicians Often Fail In Europe
British Politicians Often Fail In Europe
Well the answer is 'Yes', I am avoiding it.

Friday, 12 April 2019

Wimbledon Witches

Who would have thought that in this day and age any Christians, whether born again or not, would actually believe in witchcraft as physically being able to harm them ...

Belief In Witches Still Held By Some Christians
Witch Burning Still Occurs .....

..... especially in the UK.

Blowing In The Wind

Ex-Detective Constable Claire Fitzpatrick was a police officer on the Gwent Police force in South Wales (yes our UK rival to the Florida man or woman news tag!!)

German Peasants Meeting Pope Paul III's Papal Bull With Their Farts
German Peasants Meeting Pope Paul III's Papal Bull With Their Farts .....

..... I say was because she has been sacked, after being accused of 25 counts of inappropriate behaviour.

Bonkers Judgements

How many criminal offences should someone be allowed to commit before being sent to prison ........

Dredd - Judge, Jury and Executioner.  Alternative Justice Systems Do Exist.
Dredd - Judge, Jury and Executioner.
Alternative Justice Systems Do Exist.

One? Two ..... Five, or some other figure?

The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters

Many of us like to think that we are in a world that is in the post enlightenment era ....

The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters - After Goya
The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters - After Goya

..... that at the very least the world is a better place than it was in the 17th century ... an Age of Reason in fact.

Friday, 5 April 2019

Good Will Drinking

There are good jobs such as bed tester at a mattress factory ......

Bed Tester Wanted
Bed Tester Wanted - But Not For Long

..... and there are really good jobs.

The Modern Jonah

When I was a kid we used to get Bible stories at school ..... I doubt that they do that these days, if only for fear of offending a particularly non integrating or accepting group.

Jonah And The Whale As The Bible Recounted It
Jonah And The Whale As The Bible Recounted It.

..... But one of those tales was of Jonah and the whale. It always seemed a bit improbable, but then I was ever the cynic.

Snowflake Nation

Teens today must be the most lily livered, weak personality examples of their generation that we have ever produced.

A Million Snowflake Memes .... This Is Just One Of Them.
A Million Snowflake Memes .... This Is Just One Of Them.

I don't just say that from the pedestal of an older generation, there is some empirical evidence that supports the view that generation snowflake is utterly useless compared with previous generations ...

What Maps Can Say

I read something interesting the other day. It was contained in a brief synopsis of a book, 'Origins', by astro-biologist Lewis Dartnell .....

Our Origins Are The Subject To Much Discussion Study And Debate.

The book is concerned with how the geography of the planet, has influenced human social and economic development, even up to and including today.


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