
Friday 10 January 2020

Heights Of Stupidity

Darren O'Hara of Blackpool, England, was fined by magistrates in .....

Modz 'n' Rockers Tattoo Establishment .....

.... for stripping the roof of his brothers house, to recoup an alleged internal family debt.

However he compounded this crime, by actually stripping the roof off the wrong house.

Instead of targeting his brother’s flat, O’Hara stripped the roof of a tattoo and piercing parlour next door ... he refused to stop, even when the owner of the tattoo shop challenged him (He had been in the toilets, when Mr O'Hara started his building assault). He told him to "jog off ...these are mine.” .... 'jog off' is perhaps not the adjective actually used.

He later explained that "My brother owed me £200, and I went to get it from him. He would not answer his front door, so I decided to take his roof in lieu of the debt. I thought the roof was his roof."

O’Hara, of Blackpool, admitted causing £695 worth of criminal damage to the roof of "Modz 'N' Rockers" in Layton. Magistrates ordered O’Hara to pay his victim £500 compensation. He was put on a 12 month community order during which he must do 20 days rehabilitation. O’Hara, who perhaps unsurprisingly, was, and probably still is currently unemployed, was also fined £20.

It appears that Mr O'Hara is no stranger to the courts, as a gentleman of the same name and with the appropriate age has featured in news reports before. In September 2017 a Darren O'Hara appeared in the magistrates court, having been arrested for causing criminal damage worth £500 to a woman's car bonnet (hood), after he objected to the woman driver questioning the way he treated his dog. Mr O'Hara used a dog chain to batter the bonnet of the woman's two week old Nissan, after his dog had run out in front of the car causing her to brake suddenly. He then heavily chastised his dog, causing the woman to talk to Mr O’Hara about his violent reaction to his dog. He lost his temper and started flailing her car with with the leather and chain lead, causing damage and the police to be called. His defence claimed that what he had done was out of character .... the case was referred to a higher court for sentencing.

In July 2018 a Darren O'Hara appeared in the magistrates court, having been arrested for causing a drunken mid-afternoon disturbance in Blackpool’s Dickson Road, along with another male. Each pleaded guilty to being drunk and disorderly and given a 12 months conditional discharge and ordered to pay £85 costs with £20 victims’ surcharge by Blackpool magistrates. The two had claimed in court that they had been drinking, when at 4pm 'a man' saw them in the road and started abusing them both, before he then 'viciously assaulted' Mr  O’Hara ... the courts weren't apparently convinced about this version of events.

As appears to be the case on each prior occasion, he once again had no employment, so Mr O’Hara won't likely be paying the compensation award, nor the fine, in the very near future, so a completely wasted punishment and time exercise. In the meantime, the owner had to have emergency repairs done to to his roof, and then have the building re-roofed, all at his own cost. Where's the justice in that?

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