
Friday 3 January 2020

One Law Rules Us All?

The latest row about a scientist, Professor Sir Bryan Thwaites, offering to pay for scholarships for disadvantaged white boys, to attend two of the top English private schools ...

Professor Sir Bryan Thwaites Wants To Offer Scholarships To Poor White Boys
Professor Sir Bryan Thwaites Wants To
Offer Scholarships To Poor White Boys.

.... only for the two schools to decline them, even though he was a former scholarship alumni of both, has raised some interesting questions about race and double standards.

The offer was made because the most disadvantaged in the state education system are poor white boys, who perform the worst in exams now. The two public schools say they do not want to put 'ethnic restrictions' on who can benefit from financial help.

But the argument has re-awoken the debate about how the 2010 Equality Act was not designed or intended to favour people of colour, but to ensure equality, and not a new inequality ... a fact confirmed by Trevor Phillips, the former chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission.

However what's actually happened is that a succession of organisations have discriminated against whites, especially males, in the politically correct belief that its OK to favour blacks, and other minorities. In fact this is illegal under the act, but no one interprets it this way, because political correctness says that its not unfair to positively discriminate against one particular ethnic group (as long as they are white).

Now, this isn't the first time I have blogged on this subject, and in fact I discussed it way back in 2009. But of course events have moved on since then ... for instance the rap singer Stormzy has funded scholarships, only for Black students, at Cambridge University (who apparently have no problem placing 'ethnic restrictions' on who can benefit from the financial help)... a gift that in fact they should have declined as its based upon the skin colour of the recipients, and they wouldn't have accepted a scholarship scheme restricted to whites ... but hey ho, its OK, as its not (in the words of one of his raps), "anti-white, it's pro-black".

So therefore, what's good for the goose is good for the gander, and Winchester and Dulwich colleges should be told they have to accept Sir Bryan Thwaites philanthropic offer, or Cambridge University should be told to decline the rappers offer. Either there is equality, or there is inequality, you can't have one way racism under the guise of being 'pro-black'.

Stormzy At MOBO's

If I ever win the national lottery I swear I will fund the lighting of a legal torch under the PC race industry, which appears to have become nothing more than an excuse to positively discriminate against whites generally, and white heterosexual males in particular.
  • The British Association for Women in Policing - Blatant discrimination against male police officers who are allowed no equivalent association.
  • The National Black Police Association, which includes the disingenuous membership tag "The NBPA is open to all in policing on application, there is no bar to membership based on colour" despite stating that its a Black Association.
  • The Gay Police Association - Discriminates against 'Heterosexual' police who are allowed no equivalent association.
  • The Music of Black Origin awards - Hey, does that not explicitly exclude music of white or Asian origins .... would a Music of White Origins award be legal?

There are no doubt others, but I believe that they all inherently break the law, by explicitly citing a skin colour, or sexual orientation that excludes the rest of us, but which would be illegal if citing membership as being for whites, or heterosexuals, or males.

The whole matter needs reviewing by the law, and those organisations which are illegally based upon race or gender should be closed or forced to rename appropriately .... Equality for One Group is Equality for All Groups.

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