
Friday 24 January 2020

Spaceship Earth

Its not always obvious to us .....

Spaceship Earth ......

.... but we are in fact spacemen (and women).

Planet Earth is a spaceship, travelling at mind blowing speeds through the cosmos. Now of course as Einstein would have said, its all relative. Earths speeds and motions through the galaxy, are all described with reference to different objects.

So Earth, obviously revolves around the sun .....

Flat-Earthers Often Hold Literalist Religious Beliefs

...... well I say obviously, as flat-earthers believe that the Earth is a flat disc, with the North Pole at its centre and a 150-foot (45 m) high wall of ice, Antarctica, at the outer edge. This particular universe model states that the Sun and Moon are each 32 miles (52 km) in diameter and of course they revolve around a static earth disc, although other variations of this nuttiness are available on-line. 

Any way's, that amusing bit of lunacy aside, the Earth revolves around the centre of the Sun at an incredible 1,553,427 miles (2.5 million kilometres) per day, which is something to think about. In fact, even the revolution of the Earth on its Axis each day, means we are moving at approximately 24,854 miles (40,000 kilometres) per day, in respect to the Earths centre.

Its A Big Universe, And We Are Travelling Through It ......

However, if we take an even wider view, then every day, the Earth is travelling at about 11,806,052 miles (19 million kilometres) with respect to the centre of the Milky Way (our Galaxy) .... and as if that isn't mind boggling enough, if look back to the Big Bang, and the cosmic microwave background (the left over radiation from the birth of the radiation), then from this point of reference, spaceship Earth is travelling at about 29,204,446 (47 million kilometres) per day.    

Of course all these reference points change direction every day, so we can't give a single figure velocity for how quickly we are moving through the universe, but as an approximate, we can safely say, 'very, very fast indeed.' 

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