
Friday 24 January 2020

OK To Be White?

In October 2018, Pauline Hanson, a right wing Australian politician ....

Pauline Hanson Asked The Question - Is It All Right To Be White?

..... introduced a motion into parliament that essentially and actually, said "It is OK to be white".

Her motion also stated that there has been a "deplorable rise of anti-white racism and attacks on Western civilisation". "People have a right to be proud of their cultural background, whether they are black, white. If we cannot agree on this, I think it's safe to say anti-white racism is well and truly rife in our society."

The Australian Parliament voted against the motion 31 - 28, so presumably they consider that its not OK to be white?  I have to ask, would they have voted the same way against a motion that said it was "It is OK to be black"? ..... perhaps not.

Ms Lauren Southern: Let In To Australia, But Not Britain.

In March 2018, right-wing Canadian activist Ms Lauren Southern was refused entry to the UK on the grounds that her actions "present a threat to the fundamental interests of society" ... Australia had let her in, as did New Zealand, although the latter stopped her from public speaking. She espouses the belief that White people are being discriminated against (amongst other perhaps more extreme views).

As the film director Terry Gilliam recently remarked ‘I’m tired of white men being blamed for everything wrong with the world’ ..... the truth is that world would be a very backward place without us.


  1. Its only got worse now. We are eradicated from advertising in favour of blackmen. But as all other cultures all steal technology fom our culture the world would be back the medieval lever of science and disease if it wasn't for white men.

    1. You could be right. Thanks for the comment.


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