
Friday 24 January 2020

New Snowflake Tag

There is no limit to the stupidity of the Left wing snowflakes these days.

Banned By Snowflakes?

Buoyed up by the off chance that the Labour Party (currently nothing more than a vehicle for the far left), may have got into power, and egged on by the BBC who support this nonsense, they are espousing any nut case cause that takes their fancy.

So I give you an example of the a new lefties PC term. "CULTURAL APPROPRIATION". This term 'cultural appropriation' - is generally used only against white people, or occasionally the Japanese. So for example any white actor playing an ethnic part is cultural appropriation (but this term can be swapped with the term 'cultural insensitivity', if the accuser wants to).

An Oscar That Should Never Have Happened?

.....  Ghandi with Sir Ben Kinglsey falls very firmly in to this sin, and will no doubt be banned from TV etc very soon, even though it caused no particular offence and was even popular in India.

The term was recently coined by UK black Labour MP, Dawn Butler. She defined it as where a white person borrows from "black culture" ... (which is virtually impossible in my opinion), but the example she cites was personality chef Jamie Oliver for using the term "Jerk Rice" for his spicy rice.

She was quickly followed by another female Labour MP, anxious to display her credentials. This time it was the white, blonde MP, Ms Rosie Duffield (Dawn Butlers Parliamentary Private Secretary). She has accused the Tokyo Tea Rooms of 'cultural appropriation', because they have white women dressing up as Japanese geisha's. The cocktail bar in Canterbury is being boycotted by local snowflake students ..... and she is joining the boycott because the bars opening night costumes were culturally insensitive and 'crossed the line (set by her), between cultural appreciation and cultural appropriation'. Surprisingly, both held on to their seats in the last election.

I won't even bother to explain why their reasons are nothing short of arrant nonsense ... but lets pursue their logic. So Madam Butterfly by Puccini should be banned .... after all lots of white women and men dressed like Japanese characters? 

Now once we have opened this can of worms, we have a whole new ball game. For instance, the BBC is happily running stories apparently slagging off leading fashion houses and anyone else they can hit, for ethnic insensitivity and cultural appropriation.

... And One Of These Would Draw Complaints From The Snowflakes

Dolce & Gabbana for allegedly trivialising Chinese culture in an advertising campaign in 2018.

Both Of These Are Cultural Appropriations .....

Gucci for showing with a jumper that 'resembled' blackface in 2019.

Only One Of These Was Criticised ......

And recently Commes Des Garçons for using cornrow wigs (hair braiding) on white models in 2020.

But the can of worms of this logic can work the opposite way ... for instance: All those left wing luvvies who are pressing to turn a white British cultural character and icon, James Bond, in to a Black James Bond ~ is that not cultural appropriation? ~ Or is it OK to steal white cultural icons? How would it be OK if a Black icon such as Shaft was played by a white man?

When nearly all black women straighten their hair or wear wigs ... is that not the same as white people corn braiding or wearing cornrow wigs? Black facing (a white person blacking their faces to portray a person of colour) is considered offensive, as Al Jolson did, but millions of non white women use skin whiteners every day .... but no comment is made? For the latest row about cultural appropriation go here ..... in this one, it begs the question, if the white writer hadn't written the book would anyone else have done so?

After all, its surely racist to only persecute white people for all cultural crimes, whilst ignoring the sins of the minorities .... or is that going to be OK in the PC New World Order?

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