
Friday 10 January 2020

The Crime Starting Gun

The first murder and fatal stabbing in London took place on Friday, January the 4th 2020 ...

First Fatal Stabbing In London 2020

The victim (an Algerian food delivery driver .... immigration status unknown, but he had been in the UK for 3 years) named as 'Takieddine Boudhane', was apparently knifed and killed by a white van driver (no description) with whom he had exchanged words.

The killing was on Charteris Road in Finsbury Park, and took place in the constituency of Jeremy Corbyn the Labour Party leader, and so naturally he offered his own assessment on knife crime .... "I am totally shocked. This is a very close-knit community, and this is yet another stabbing on the streets of London. People should not be carrying knives. A human life has been taken.

There are a lot of people working as delivery drivers, they must have better conditions of employment and employers must take more responsibility for their safety too. Police cuts have meant fewer officers on the streets, and this raises issues of safety in the community in general.”

He then added: “Delivery drivers do a great job in London all of the time. Yet they are vulnerable. They’re often on zero hours contracts, yet the food they are carrying is insured. So the delivery driver is less valuable than the food they are carrying. We need to end the whole culture of gig employment.”

So, he thinks that:
  • People shouldn't be carrying knives .... tsk tsk.
  • His 'close-knit community' doesn't expect knife killings ... a simple search shows that although knife crime in Islington is down by 10.3 per cent, year on year as of September 2019, London saw a 13.8pc rise and its safe to say that knife killings are not unknown in Islington North.
  • Police cuts make it more unsafe for food delivery drivers, and well, everyone .... Duh.
  • Zero hours contracts aka the 'gig economy' are somehow responsible for this death?
  • The self employed drivers not being insured, somehow make killings more likely?
  • The food order (say £25) being insured against accident or theft, somehow makes the driver less valuable than the food, or more vulnerable?  

His analytical skills are rather more like those you might expect of a 17 year old fifth former than a senior politician who leads Her Majesties Opposition.

Islington Say No To Youth Violence Christmas Tree

There was a simple ceremony in Islington outside Islington Town Hall in December 2019, which Mr Corbyn was strangely absent from, in which a Christmas tree was set up in memory of those killed in youth knife crime in the borough ....perhaps listening to victims families might have enlightened Mr Corbyn as to real peoples concerns about knife crime in this 'close-knit community'.

Fatal Stabbings London 2014 - 2019

Now sadly this wont be the last be the last knife killing in London in 2020, and in fact this man's murder is just the starting gun for the next instalment of the 100 or so fatal stabbings, that will take place in London in 2020. The number of people killed across the UK fell in 2019 to just 650 people killed in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland down from the 774 homicides in 2018. But homicides in London rose for a third successive calendar year - to the highest level since 2008 ... driven largely by knife killings by ethnic youth gangs.

Its also worth remembering that for every fatal stabbing, there are several more non fatal stabbings or attacks that leave people scarred for life. Many of the attackers only get sentences as low as 21 months, even if they tried to stab a police officer, and despite court guidelines that should mean far longer imprisonment terms for even just carrying a knife.

The knife crime problem is not caused by the 'gig economy' as the simplistic Mr Corbyn suggests, but the result of weak courts, who refuse to impose the stiff sentences that would make knife carrying a less attractive option to the thugs who do so.

As of Friday morning, before the posting date, no arrests have been made public in this first London knife killing, with forensics awaited from the van, which was found abandoned (presumably not registered to a suspect). Anyone with information on this active police investigation can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or visit their website.

Update 24/01/2020: The latest crime figures show that knife or sharp instrument crimes reached 44,771 (up 7 per cent year on year) while actual homicides fell to 617 in England and Wales ... this includes a 20 per cent drop in death by knife or sharp instrument. Presumably as hospitals get more proficient at treating such injuries. Rather like US Army surgeons training for combat bullet operations by working in Chicago hospitals. Depressingly, overall crime in the UK has been rising for a number of years (up again by 7 per cent on last year), but gun crimes recorded are static at approx 6,144.


  1. It's only the 20th of January and the met has 6 murder victims.

    Thats ethnic multiculturalism for you. A paradise on earth.

    1. Yes I believe that this is just the start of the killing season in London and that the Thames will continue to run red this year.

      Thanks for the comment. I always appreciate them.

  2. The best update I can give on this story is that police are hunting for a white man named Nathan Smith in connection with this killing. Its believed that he fled to Europe.

    The Met Police have offered a £10,000 reward for information leading to the identification, arrest and prosecution of the person responsible for Mr Boudhane’s death and Smith is on Europol’s most wanted fugitives list.

    1. Many Thanks. Its so rare that we get updates on a crime story (The press lose interest so quickly), that I don't even bother to look for them. Happy New Year!


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