
Saturday 3 May 2014

Knee Jerk Reaction

Now you might think that being rich and wealthy, Mrs David Beckham, or 'Victoria Beckham' if you prefer, with a bit of effort would be able to ensure a perfect body, for pretty much long as she cares to. After all, cosmetic surgery is advancing all the time, and anti-ageing processes are being worked on feverishly as I write.

But in fact, I was told once by a surgeon I was at a party with, that there were two areas of the body that he thought would remain beyond cosmetic surgery ..... and they are the elbows and the knees. Apparently, if they tried to 'tighten them up', it would either cause them to split, or they would just sag again (I can't remember which .... split I think) ... of course he may have been pulling my leg, but it seems right.

So why am I mentioning this? Well I saw this picture ....

Kneed Some Plastic Surgery .....
..... and it made me consider that with all her money, Vickie Beckham, will still have to live with saggy knees in the future.

Even the wealthy and powerful are limited to some mortality, like the rest of us.


  1. That fits nicely with the fact that if you pinch those areas you will feel no pain at all - no pain, no gain.

    1. Hmm, I didn't realise that .... well until now. Thanks for that.

    2. Maybe im unique but when I pinch either of those areas IT HURTS! Bit as I said, maybe its just mine & the other 8 Billion humans on planet Earth have no pain receptors in thise jointed areas?

    3. I just pinched mine and they didn't hurt LOL ... thanks for the comment


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