When Karl Marx talked about the
"contradictions of capitalism", which he felt would one day bring the whole rotten system down in favour of a communist system; He believed that this
'economic truth', was also a historical imperative, which couldn't be denied. He no doubt died believing that, but as many others thought at the time, and has been proved right since, it’s the adaptability of capitalism and capitalists, that has proved the stronger of the two systems.
Capitalism after all, is the system of commerce that the human race has naturally adopted, whether it be the early forms of barter and trade, where supply and demand set the values of exchanges e.g. 4 duck eggs for one deer antler etc, right through to the current more sophisticated models, with stocks and shares.
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In reality, communism was nothing more than an intellectual exercise
(like any other socialist 'utopian' systems), that should never have left academia. The millions who have died or suffered under its tyranny are proof of that .... it’s a system that simply has no root in reality, its
'laws' are unreal, based as they are, on a supposition of the human race sharing common aims and goals, when in reality
'greed' and
'sloth' (to over simplify it a lot), are major factors in all human intercourse and endeavour.