
Friday 1 December 2017

Ghost Ships

It appears that in recent years an increasing number of real Ghost Ships have appeared in the Sea of Japan.

Ghost Ships in Sea Of Japan ....
Now as this subject has popped up in the past, when we discussed the subject more generally ...

.... My interest was naturally aroused. Actually, although the ghost ships are real enough, and even contain real skeleton crews, its actually all a rather grim reminder of how cruel tyranny's are. North Korean fishing boats, regularly wash up in Japan. The latest was a 7m (23ft) long vessel which was missing a rotor blade and any navigational devices, oh, and contained the remains of eight people, some reduced to bleached bones.

This is the latest in a string of similar incidents over the last few years, only last week a wooden boat carrying live eight men, was washed up at Yurihonjo city. They were North Koreans fishing for squid, but their boat engine died and they just drifted on the currents, without even the means to call for rescue.

The boats venture out to sea in order to satisfy the increasing demands of Kim Jong-un's mad regime. Starvation is so near for the North Korean state that it has raised the quotas of fish to be caught each year .... the consequences of not meeting your quota can be severe, including starvation for the fishermen's families. So the fishermen crew ageing and ill-equipped vessels, venturing far out to sea, but with no safety equipment nor radios to call for help.

Nicolae Ceaucescu's Violent Ending Is A Fate Dictators Want To Avoid.

The blood on the hands of the Kim family tyranny must be in the millions, but nothing seems to endanger their regimes grip on power. It will probably only end when their own army revolts ... the end of Nicolae Ceaucescu's regime in Romania is the fate this family are trying to stave off.


  1. The butchers bill for this socialist regime won't be known for decades if they don't start the second nuclear war. It's ironic that socialism has cost more lives than all the fascist regimes in history but we still hear Corbynistas singing the red flag with gusto. Joke.

  2. The butchers bill for this socialist regime won't be known for decades if they don't start the second nuclear war. It's ironic that socialism has cost more lives than all the fascist regimes in history but we still hear Corbynistas singing the red flag with gusto. Joke.

    1. I am not going to disagree but then I wouldn't would I. Its a case of victors writing history ... The USSR was on the winning side in WWII and thus never got the scrutiny that the losers regimes faced. They are equally as bad as each other as systems of repression of course, but every university in the UK still produces a crop of left wing radicals becasue there is not the anathema for Communism that should be given to it.

      However apart from in Western Europe the hard left are rejected as a viable system. When Venezuela, China and North Korea stop calling them self socialist states I doubt any nation will ever do so again.

  3. What are they going to do next? The next major war could erupt when that sanctions bite.


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