
Friday 15 December 2017

Lowest Of Thieves

There are some criminals who are basically just scum. Take this man, who was living on Beach Road, Cleveleys, Lancashire. He had moved there from his native Hartlepool, where he also a junkie thief, in order to escape revenge attacks, and be near his child.

As Low As It Gets For Stealing ....

He went into The Dickens pub somewhere near his home, and was caught on CCTV loitering around the bar, before, he very clearly stuffs the Royal British Legion collection tin, containing around £70 down the front of his pants. He was actually only in the pub because he was on early release licence, for robbing an 84-year-old disabled man in his native Hartlepool last year.

The footage of his latest crime went on social media, where someone identified him to the police ..... He was also seen on CCTV returning to the pub later the same day with a mate, where he bought a drink with the stolen money. When arrested, he was under the influence of drugs and could hardly believe that this even counted as a crime ...... he told an officer: "All this for some Poppy money. All you have got is some CCTV."

Even his later attempts to ameliorate his actions were pathetic. He wrote a letter apologising for his actions, the court was told, but addressed it to the British Red Cross, instead of the Royal British Legion, and he even tried to go back to the pub to put the £70 into the new collection tin, after the social media outburst against him had alerted the police to his identity.

His defence for his latest crime, was that he habitually used Valium (Diazepam), and cannabis to prop himself up. Beddow claimed in court (where he got another 9 months for bail breaching), that he had received threats from the English Defence League since the burglary offence in Hartlepool .... well if true, they now know where he lives and drinks.

There are no Prince of Thieves, there is no such thing as a 'petty thief', they are all nasty, but some are lower than most .... a  man who robs the old and disabled, and also steals charity boxes, must be as low a human as it gets for what the courts call a petty thief.


  1. Talk about sh****ng in your own nest, after getting in trouble where ever you go a normal person would work out where the problem lies - others, like this knob, probably think that everyone is out to get them and don't feel at all responsible for their misfortunes.

    1. I think your letting this junkie Scum Bag off lightly. He doesn't care about anyone but himself ... he only tried to 'make amends', when the publicity forced him to try and make it look better. He probably stole the £70 he tried to put back off another disabled pensioner.

    2. Another class A thug.

    3. Can't disagree with that either. Thanks for the comment

    4. I agree, stamping on his head would be letting him off lightly - I don't know what punishment wouldn't be letting him off lightly.

    5. LOL .... we all agree at last!

  2. He's a thief who isn't sorry that they steal. But whose terribly sorry when they get caught and sent to jail.


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