
Friday 8 December 2017

No Smoke Without Fire

Mrs May and President Trump have had a spat via Twitter, over his reposting of videos purporting to show Muslim criminals in the UK ... some apparently smashing Christian symbols (no irony in respect to their views on Koran burning).

A Video: A Muslim Man Allegedly Smashing
A Statute Of The Virgin Mary

This has raised the question of Islam in the UK to the forefront of the news .... again.

But there is no doubting that Islam hasn't integrated easily in to the UK, nor indeed in the wider non Muslim West generally.

'H&M' Bikini Adverts Defaced in Dalston, London.
'H&M' Bikini Adverts Defaced in Dalston, London.

This normally isn't because of the majority of those Muslims who were born here, but rather because of the (admittedly sizeable), minority of both Muslim immigrants and Western born Muslims, who apparently reject our societies values, culture, religions and morals.

Stall Campaigning For Sharia - Not An Open Society
Campaigning For Sharia - Not An Open Society.

This minority prefer instead to agitate, peacefully or violently, for the same Sharia, and the Khilafah (Caliphate), that IS (Daesh), and other such groups such as Boko Haram also represent. However just because they are minority here, it doesn't mean that they and their ideology are not dangers to the rest of us.

Need4Khilafah Muslim Caliphate Campaigners
Need4Khilafah Muslim Caliphate Campaigners

The recent terrorist attacks across the globe, show that these groups can sway Muslims anywhere. Maybe its this apparent malleability in its followers, that makes its religion so aggressive to those it considers to be apostates?

Many Don't Want Democracy ... Just The Caliph.
Many Don't Want Democracy ... Just The Caliph.

Of course the irony of all this is that we let them campaign and agitate for our societies destruction without any hindrance, in the name of multiculturalism or free speech .... an act which may well be seen as total folly by later generations. We may laugh at President Trump and his Tweets, but we shouldn't forget that there is generally no smoke without fire.

There is a real threat out there, and all is not happy in this multicultural paradise.

1 comment:

  1. It does seem strange that Democracy allows campaigns against itself however consistent that is with its ethos. On the other hand, protesters should realise that they are exercising a Democratic right which they will no longer have should they be successful. Out of principle they shouldn't take advantage of something which they obviously abhor - not that such people are consistent at all as they will use anything to further their aims including the technological products of The West which would never have seen the light in their backward culture. Many of them probably owe their lives to modern medicine and hygiene which they no doubt don't question as they do other aspects of Western culture. Numpsies.


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