Radio Five in the UK has been trialling a "
Men's Hour" radio show, which by chance I heard the first episode of ..... I lasted 10 mins before turning to another channel.
The reason, within 5 minutes of my listening the presenters had turned to an apparently 'regular' feature of homosexuality .... nothing wrong with that per se, but "
Woman's Hour" doesn't have 'regular' features on Lesbians, but then again the BBC is allegedly full of homosexuals, and maybe there aren't so many lesbians, so they don't have such a skewed opinion about their 'importance'?
But it wasn't that which finished off my interest in the show, no it was the sudden propagation of the "FACT" that 10% of the male population was homosexual. This is a 'FACT' that the 'Gay' community loves to spout at every opportunity, but which is entirely fictitious and has no real factual basis unless you deliberately misread the figures to suit your fantasies.
What they do is take the
fact that about 10% of adolescents or teens have one instance of 'admiration' of a same sex contemporary as their hormones kick in, and which they then mostly grow out of, and then say that 10% of adults are 'gay'. All studies suggest that actual homosexual numbers are around
3 - 4% .... and that's a
fact that the BBC won't propagate....
As I know that my fact can be challenged so here are the studies:
In the 1999-2001 National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles, about 8% of British men and 10% of women reported at least one life experience of same-sex contact (not necessarily sexual), but only 2.6% of either gender have had a same-sex partner in the last 5 years or longer.
- 3% of males are refused from giving blood by the Blood Service in the UK because of their homosexuality and lifestyles.
- In 1992 a study of 8,337 British men found that 6.1% have had a "homosexual experience" (again this included non sexual activities such as a 'crush') and 3.6% had "1+ homosexual partner ever".
- In the US - MTV and Showtime are about to launch a cable channel directed at the homosexual market. They estimate that gays and lesbians combined make up 6.5% of television's audience (and money talks so they are likely to be very accurate figures). i.e. around 3% of each sex.
- In Canada in 2003, A survey of 135,000 Canadians found that 1.0% of the respondents identified themselves as homosexual and 0.7% identified themselves as bisexual. About 1.3% of men considered themselves homosexual, almost twice the proportion of 0.7% among women.
- In Australia on 2006, a study found 2-3% Australians identified as homosexual while 20% of Australians reported having had same-sex attractions (again, the teen infatuation thing).
- In the US, 2008, A CNN exit polling showed self-identified gay, lesbian, and bisexual voters at 4% of the voting population in the United States presidential election, 2008.
Now allowing for some element of under reporting as I can't image it being over reported, I think its fair to say that in the Anglo-Saxon / Celtic world (I accept that other cultures, such as the meditterrean one of Greece and Italy, will have different proportions due to differing cultural acceptance levels), the rates of male homosexuality are about 4% on average.
Now thats not a fact that 'uber gays' will like, but I am not interested in their homo erotic fantasies, simply in 'facts' .... something the BBC used to consider essential, but which they seem to have forsaken, to be replaced by PC nonsense which suits the wishes of the higer proportions of
homosexuals within the media.